Article 22-24: March-April 2022
Denied open records reports regarding Barrick death
Officer Wilkerson,
I am making a formal open records act request for the following items from the McCurtain County Sheriff’s Department:
- Any and all reports and witness statements relating to the Bobby Barrick case.
- All officer body camera footage of the Bobby Barrick case.
- All radio logs associated with the Bobby Barrick case (i.e. when the initial call came in, what officers responded, times they arrived and left, when EMS was contacted, etc)
I have provided a blank USB drive for digital copies of the radio logs and body camera footage. Reports can be included on the USB, emailed to or faxed to (580)286-2208, whichever is more convenient.
Thank you,
Christopher Willingham
Vice President, McCurtain County News Inc.